Thursday, April 7, 2016

Seasonal Celebrations

 We are so lucky as quilters no matter what the weather is like outside we can change it in our studios, quilt rooms, basements and dinning rooms. by selecting fabrics on what we think the season should be.

It was blowing snow here yesterday so I picked this pattern for the fabrics that I would like to make up into a quilt, by pulling from my stash.
 Even viewing the selvage you can see the wonderful hints of spring  I hope you can see the names of the fabrics. If you click on the picture it should get bigger to see
 My husband came downstairs and saw the fabrics laid out and asked what I was doing. I said going to whip up a top, I have been doing a lot of applique I need something quick and feeling accomplished.
With all the fabric cut and a couple of blocks started I set off for my afternoon shift feeling like spring in our cold wintery day.

How do you celebrate your secret seasons.


  1. I have been looking at broderie perse applique pieces of late. Your floral fabric looks like one that could be used that way.

  2. good excuse to stay inside and sew if you have snow...........

  3. Quilting is a great way to get a jump on spring. I think your stash was itching to get out too.


visitors with a spare moment said...